Say this ten times fast: “gastroesophageal reflux disease”.
I’ll cut you a break. Just say
GERD occurs when stomach acid or bile flows back into your body’s “food pipe”, causing irritation and inflammation of your esophagus lining.
As if this condition weren’t painful enough, other GI disorders often accompany it. The most common are (you guessed it) gas, flatulence, transit disorders, and abdominal distension.
Add irritable bowel syndrome and
dyspepsia to the mix, and you’ve stirred up one unpleasant GI cocktail. Indeed, a recent French study reports
GI disorders are three times more common in adult patients suffering with GERD, compared to the general population.There is a ray of hope. About a third of the patients reported that treatment for GERD alleviated their
other GI disorders, too—particularly
dyspeptic-type symptoms.
The take away? If you suffer with GERD
and other GI issues, ask your doctor about GERD treatment options. In the meantime, avoid self-prescribing over-the-counter medications, maintain a healthy diet, and increase your exercise levels to maximize your chances of feeling great.